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James 2:14 asks an important question of all Believers. The Living Bible (TLB) interpretation reads, “Dear
brothers, what's the use of saying that you have faith and are Christians if you aren't proving it by helping
others? Will that kind of faith save anyone?”

When you and I read about the how the deadly Ebola virus, with no known cure, has killed at least 2,200 people
across West Africa since the outbreak began in March, what are we doing to help?

More than 4,200 cases have been reported since December with the hardest hit countries being Guinea,
Liberia and Sierra Leone according to the World Health Organizations (WHO).

Sadly, there are more sick people than there are available hospital beds. In Liberia, the ailing are lying outside
the doors of hospitals, weak, hurting and receiving no help. Some of them are dying on hospital grounds
because the facilities have reached capacity.

The United States announced Monday I will send $10 million dollars in additional funds to West Africa’s
overtaxed medical system. Already, Washington has given $100 million to fight the disease. USAID is also
sending $75 million in extra funds.

But more needs to be done.

If you would like to help, here are 3 ways to get involved.

    Volunteer Medical Aid Services: If you are a qualified medical professional and would like to volunteer
    your time with a reputable organization, USAID has set up a way for you to do that. Click here for more

    Make A Donation: Funds are needed for many things like transportation and support to send more
    health care workers; protective equipment; hygiene kits; new beds, and more. If you would like to make a
    donation to a reputable organization, click here for a list.

    Pray for those Impacted: World Vision has listed suggested prayer points for those who wish to
    intercede on behalf of those who are hurting. Click here for more information.

Do something to help. In that way, you will be showing the love of Christ and really putting your faith into action.
Photo Credit: Dominique Faget/GETTY Images I EEW MAGAZINE GLOBAL MISSIONS